I contacted Condor about it yesterday. The man on the other end gave me a quick respsonse of 1 1/8th", which, I guess, is the standard nowadays? To that I mentioned I had measured the steerer tube diameter to be closer to 1" than 1 1/8th" and he asked me what frame it was and what year it was produced. He put me on hold to ask a colleague, who confirmed it was actually 1".
I was using that crappy IKEA paper tape measure, which made it difficult to measure the diameter because it's hard to judge where the exact centre of the tube is.
I contacted Condor about it yesterday. The man on the other end gave me a quick respsonse of 1 1/8th", which, I guess, is the standard nowadays? To that I mentioned I had measured the steerer tube diameter to be closer to 1" than 1 1/8th" and he asked me what frame it was and what year it was produced. He put me on hold to ask a colleague, who confirmed it was actually 1".
I was using that crappy IKEA paper tape measure, which made it difficult to measure the diameter because it's hard to judge where the exact centre of the tube is.