I'm no Windoze fan (though 7 really isn't bad), I use fedora as my OS of choice, but why the fuck do Apple have to fuck around with the keyboards? what's that all about? @ is next to hash, next to enter, not swap it with " you cunts...
I'm a sys admin at work, and have to deal with all sorts of desktops with different OSs and keyboards and that shits me off no end.
I'm no Windoze fan (though 7 really isn't bad), I use fedora as my OS of choice, but why the fuck do Apple have to fuck around with the keyboards? what's that all about? @ is next to hash, next to enter, not swap it with " you cunts...
I'm a sys admin at work, and have to deal with all sorts of desktops with different OSs and keyboards and that shits me off no end.