Would be good to have you along. I've only been doing this wheelbuilding thing for the last five years or so and don't claim to be an expert. So always good to have other experienced people around.
I'll give the software a go. I'm on my LinuxMint machine at the moment but I'll get one of my macs out and give it a whirl. I stay away from Windoze as much as possible myself apart from browser testing and training clients.
Would be good to have you along. I've only been doing this wheelbuilding thing for the last five years or so and don't claim to be an expert. So always good to have other experienced people around.
I'll give the software a go. I'm on my LinuxMint machine at the moment but I'll get one of my macs out and give it a whirl. I stay away from Windoze as much as possible myself apart from browser testing and training clients.