wondered where you had been Gordy, too busy cycle training to post eh?
isnt the history of Lo Pros, "and lo, God said there was to be a type of bicycle revered by hipsters and city folk world over, and it came to be known a rare type of steel bicycle unrideable by brethren of average stature was worshipped for its intricate lugwork, and thereon all massive -thighed bikie folk sought this machine, eulogised about its special qualities for long hours on internet fora worldwide"
wondered where you had been Gordy, too busy cycle training to post eh?
isnt the history of Lo Pros, "and lo, God said there was to be a type of bicycle revered by hipsters and city folk world over, and it came to be known a rare type of steel bicycle unrideable by brethren of average stature was worshipped for its intricate lugwork, and thereon all massive -thighed bikie folk sought this machine, eulogised about its special qualities for long hours on internet fora worldwide"