Thanks for the kind words you lot, I'm bruised but fine.
Last night was just a standard falling off when a few bikes got tangled up. I went down awkwardly and landed on the end of the bars. I'm sure it will happen again and, as Gabes says, the only thing we can do to reduce the risk of serious injury from it, is try to take responsibility to ensure all the bikes and equipment on court are as safe as we can make them.
Thanks for the kind words you lot, I'm bruised but fine.
Last night was just a standard falling off when a few bikes got tangled up. I went down awkwardly and landed on the end of the bars. I'm sure it will happen again and, as Gabes says, the only thing we can do to reduce the risk of serious injury from it, is try to take responsibility to ensure all the bikes and equipment on court are as safe as we can make them.