• #2
Nevermind, Comic sans is actually kind of badass..
I am intrigued to what you had to do with it though!
• #3
The worst font in the world. I find it very hard to take anything written with it seriously, Poor you
• #4
Its actually a really good typeface, for what it was designed for.
It was designed to be un-imposing and easy to read for young children - which it is.
Its just gained a ubiquity far beyond its target. Hate the user, not the tool
• #5
Nevermind, Comic sans is actually kind of badass..
I am intrigued to what you had to do with it though!
Ha! Nice one. It's for some organic baby food ads. It's just so predictable. Kids = comic sans.
• #6
I bet if you used Action Man or Marker Felt they wouldn't notice.
• #7
I just hand wrote the headline and scan/live traced it. We'll see if they do notice.
• #8
Comic sans on Baby food packaging, thats borderline acceptable. Its when your clients demand that you use comic sans in their new corporate identity that you should consider a career change.
• #9
The way I see things like this is it's not one for the portfolio... if you working on a 50/50 or higher ration of keepers to binners then i'd say thats still ok...
• #10
I just had to use the font Comic Sans in a layout. I was forced to. Which means I'm being bossed around by people who want to use that font.
And because I'm a freelance graphic designer (not a career anyway some say...) I will do it for the cash.
Therefore I just realised my aspirations of producing beautifully crafted, well thought-out and communicative work are in the bin, like the smelly banana skin stuck to the bottom.
You might as well get yourself a fixie now and ask for a job at Coffee@Bricklane.
Comic Sans....; )
• #11
Therefore I just realised my aspirations of producing beautifully crafted, well thought-out and communicative work are in the bin, like the smelly banana skin stuck to the bottom.
I got this bit after my 1st week at my 1st agency.
If you want good communication, go on and spray walls. -
• #12
Dyslexia specialists use Comic Sans all the time.
I don't like the way it looks, either, but it does have its uses.
• #13
i used to work in the office of a small-ish specialised electrical engineering company that was taken over by a multinational energy company. the director was a hateful little cunt of a man foisted on us by our parent corporarion when they expunged the much loved and fiercely intelligent director as a scapegoat for some petty political reason.
the outgoing victim had been in the company 20 years, was ex-apprentice who'd worked his way up the ladder. he was a top bloke, still young, probably only in his late 30s. he'd worked his way off the factory floor, put himself though university, got qualified, moved into law and become one of the most respected and well liked people in the industry. he was of slight build, always well dressed, stylishly understated and never flash. he was quitely spoken, funny, frighteningly smart and pleasant to everyone. he got the tube in every day, often worked late into the night but always turned up at birthdays and leaving dos with his credit card and a friendly smile.
he was turfed out on his ear one afternoon after some graph in some report slipped the wrong side of some target. no leaving do, no emails, just there one minute and then gone.
he was replaced by a corporate goon from the new parent corporation, straight out of the cyril sneer mould; pinstripes, ostentatious jaguar, red braces and all. this miserable little hitler was cigar huffing, sour faced little cretin who knew nothing about the industry and had no contact with the staff... other than his equally smoke-ravaged secretary who he was (not very secretively) shagging.
he was a petty, unfriendly, sour and smelly man. thoroughly unpleasant. his contribution to the office dynamic was sending out ridiculous emails rudely laying down the law about various inconsequential things such as certain staff member's time keeping, dress code, protocol for wording on out of office emails, voicemails or the mess in the filing cupboard by the door... these emails, ladies and gentleman, were without fail, written in blue comic sans.
i'm just saying.
• #14
there's a pub somewhere in south london, when you drive in from kent, with its sign set in comic sans, well nice
• #15
he was a petty, unfriendly, sour and smelly man. thoroughly unpleasant. his contribution to the office dynamic was sending out ridiculous emails rudely laying down the law about various inconsequential things such as certain staff member's time keeping, dress code, protocol for wording on out of office emails, voicemails or the mess in the filing cupboard by the door... these emails, ladies and gentleman, were without fail, written in blue comic sans.
i'm just saying.
This is where the hate towards comic sans comes from.
I have been in the industry for over 10 years so I'm very used to being disillusioned but getting out of the creative dept. in an ad agency was meant to re light my design fire so to speak. So far all I have managed to do is make posters selling gambling to gamblers and booze to alcos. And now baby food. Seriously, comic sans is borderline OK for baby stuff, but it's not the babies making the purchasing decision is it?
having a bad day.
• #16
cheer up fella. get directions off kboy, and take yourself down the comic sans arms for a pint of golden latha. you'll be arial black to normal before you can say webdings.
• #17
Nice rant, Dooks. Did you make that up on the spot?
That McSweeney's Comic Sans thing has brightened up my day (not that it wasn't bright already).
• #18
he was a petty, unfriendly, sour and smelly man. thoroughly unpleasant. his contribution to the office dynamic was sending out ridiculous emails rudely laying down the law about various inconsequential things such as certain staff member's time keeping, dress code, protocol for wording on out of office emails, voicemails or the mess in the filing cupboard by the door... these emails, ladies and gentleman, were without fail, written in blue comic sans.
i'm just saying.
I would add - not having mobiles on silent, eating hot food at your desk and leaving the kitchen area in a mess - but otherwise he seems to be running a nice, tight operation there.
• #19
Teenslain will back me up on this one...
• #20
Nice rant, Dooks.
hehe, thank rich. yeah, comic sans always reminds of that wand.
one of the most satisfying moments of what i laughingly refer to as my career came after weeks of trying to get an important document signed by this strutting ballbag. despite repeated warnings, chiding and deadlines from me, after weeks and weeks of evasion, indecision and pointless amendments to amendments that contradicted his previous amendments; it finally became overdue and incurred a hefty penalty from the client.
the director's minions called me into a meeting with my line manager, at 4pm on the afternoon of the office christmas party, to instigate disciplinary proceedings against me for causing the penalty.
unbeknownst to them (having long since run out of patience with not being able to get the simplest of tasks done due to this endless interference from the clueless directors) i had, that afternoon, overheard my line manager take the reference phonecall for a new job i had accepted the previous day.
i just sat there listening to them going "blahblahblah" like the adults on a charlie brown cartoon. when they'd finished i blew out the door and straight to the pub to drink far too much, too quickly with my colleagues before crashing into the christmas party later that night, singing and dancing about like a man just out of prison. i remember really enjoying the looks of concerned bemusement coming from behind the cigar smoke on the director's table.
• #21
I think i'm lucky that I never meet these strutting ballbags... great phrase though...
I just had to use the font Comic Sans in a layout. I was forced to. Which means I'm being bossed around by people who want to use that font.
And because I'm a freelance graphic designer (not a career anyway some say...) I will do it for the cash.
Therefore I just realised my aspirations of producing beautifully crafted, well thought-out and communicative work are in the bin, like the smelly banana skin stuck to the bottom.