... 'gaming', shoot em ups, GTA et al. As far as I can tell they're made by cunts, for cunts. And the 'amazing rendering and graphics' and 'really engrossing back story animations' just annoy the shit out of me. (I am making a promo for the 'gaming' industry as we speak, it's fucking dire.) Grown men playing delelelelelerr like they're fucking seven.
And what's really depressing is that these games have a bigger turnover that the film industry.
... 'gaming', shoot em ups, GTA et al. As far as I can tell they're made by cunts, for cunts. And the 'amazing rendering and graphics' and 'really engrossing back story animations' just annoy the shit out of me. (I am making a promo for the 'gaming' industry as we speak, it's fucking dire.) Grown men playing delelelelelerr like they're fucking seven.
And what's really depressing is that these games have a bigger turnover that the film industry.