you're going to pop your collar when you see me then...
Aye but if im correct (please be correct, or i've just made a very bad assumption) you have a hearing impediment Ed, so therefore you are more cautious and also much more aware of your surroundings becuase you had to be. Whereas headphones are used to listen to something that in turn distracts you from your seen in many a case 'head in the cloud' riders, listening to their tunes with no idea whats going on around them etc
...and I've forgotten the rest of what i was going to write due to 'help the missus' duty
Aye but if im correct (please be correct, or i've just made a very bad assumption) you have a hearing impediment Ed, so therefore you are more cautious and also much more aware of your surroundings becuase you had to be. Whereas headphones are used to listen to something that in turn distracts you from your seen in many a case 'head in the cloud' riders, listening to their tunes with no idea whats going on around them etc
...and I've forgotten the rest of what i was going to write due to 'help the missus' duty