I'm entitled to an opinion and it's one I believe has been backed up with examples with links to threads or posts about police success stories and how they are often commented on far less than the amount of criticism the police get here (sometimes deservedly).
Opinionated generalisations have been used to provoke response and start discussions since the birth of language.
You really shouldn't allow yourself to get so wound up so easily.
Opinionated generalisations are the trademark of someone who doesn't have the intelligence or knowledge to construct a convincing argument that will stand up to cross examination. You are now typecasting yourself into the role of 'provocateur' in order to avoid the fact that the few examples you gave really didn't amount to much, and that your 'argument' as a whole amounts to nothing more than sermonising.
You really shouldn't allow yourself to be so sanctimonious.
Opinionated generalisations are the trademark of someone who doesn't have the intelligence or knowledge to construct a convincing argument that will stand up to cross examination. You are now typecasting yourself into the role of 'provocateur' in order to avoid the fact that the few examples you gave really didn't amount to much, and that your 'argument' as a whole amounts to nothing more than sermonising.
You really shouldn't allow yourself to be so sanctimonious.