Rapha, but damn, it's expensive. Howies is good too. Not that I can bring myself to pay full price for either. Swrve is good too - how come no one has mentioned their shorts or jackets yet?
What do you look for in your cycling clothing?
The unique blend of form and function... nah, just something that looks good, isn't made of polyester (although some things can be) and which works.
Not breaking the bank over the lifetime of the product too... i.e. it can be pricey if it's going to last. I'm still using a Rapha jersey I bought four years ago in the sample sale, and it still looks pretty much brand new.
What is your favourite cycling accessory?
Pac hip pouch. Not for cycling, but because it was awesome at Glastonbury as a stash-everything-in-pouch. Cycling wise, probably the Crank Bros. Joplin seatpost I bought for my mountain bike.
If you could invent anything to make cycling everday easier, what would it be?
Can I un-invent cars?
What does cycling mean to you? Is it just travel? Or is it a fashion accessory?
Rapha, but damn, it's expensive. Howies is good too. Not that I can bring myself to pay full price for either. Swrve is good too - how come no one has mentioned their shorts or jackets yet?
The unique blend of form and function... nah, just something that looks good, isn't made of polyester (although some things can be) and which works.
Not breaking the bank over the lifetime of the product too... i.e. it can be pricey if it's going to last. I'm still using a Rapha jersey I bought four years ago in the sample sale, and it still looks pretty much brand new.
Pac hip pouch. Not for cycling, but because it was awesome at Glastonbury as a stash-everything-in-pouch. Cycling wise, probably the Crank Bros. Joplin seatpost I bought for my mountain bike.
Can I un-invent cars?
It's primarily transport (on-road cycling).