Of the three examples you gave from the forum - one can't be easily viewed by many, one is in a thread for inconsequential EPIC WINS and the third had a whole page of positive commentary PLUS the followup thread to that one was nearly two pages long full of positive commentary. Consequently, I disagree that posts about police doing a good job get largely ignored on this forum. The difference is that they don't spark up a debate that rages on for 4 pages
OK, just the front wheel back post for example, which is on Epic Win a very long and often looked at thread according to the stats 1,148 replies and a whopping 28,139 views. From nuknow's story of getting his front wheel returned by the police there are only 2 people who reference the police directly who after all were the people who went after and returned the wheel. Oliver and General Lucifer who went on to say he was beering it up and everything had smiles, east end images then posts to say he saw the police arrest a bike thief near Old St, he posted this 11 hours ago and there's not been one single comment since. I wonder if the same would be true if it was a post about the police really cracking down on RLJing near Old St. Would it feck.
OK, just the front wheel back post for example, which is on Epic Win a very long and often looked at thread according to the stats 1,148 replies and a whopping 28,139 views. From nuknow's story of getting his front wheel returned by the police there are only 2 people who reference the police directly who after all were the people who went after and returned the wheel. Oliver and General Lucifer who went on to say he was beering it up and everything had smiles, east end images then posts to say he saw the police arrest a bike thief near Old St, he posted this 11 hours ago and there's not been one single comment since. I wonder if the same would be true if it was a post about the police really cracking down on RLJing near Old St. Would it feck.