In general, if I had to stereotype (and it's hard to avoid in a thread called "Women's Safety In Traffic") I think I'd say that I see much more active idiocy from male riders - such things as RLJs at preposterous points in the phases, going for gaps with no idea what's going on in the space they're riding into and so on. What I've seen more often from female riders is a sort of zoning-out, leading to a failure to predict something awful about to happen. Laura Ashley-type dresses and/or hi-viz seem to be the most strongly predictive of this.
I wish to emphasise that I'm talking very, very broad brush here - we all know many absolutely focussed female riders and plenty of distracted male ones (not least me, which is why I'm a pretty risk-averse rider these days).
In general, if I had to stereotype (and it's hard to avoid in a thread called "Women's Safety In Traffic") I think I'd say that I see much more active idiocy from male riders - such things as RLJs at preposterous points in the phases, going for gaps with no idea what's going on in the space they're riding into and so on. What I've seen more often from female riders is a sort of zoning-out, leading to a failure to predict something awful about to happen. Laura Ashley-type dresses and/or hi-viz seem to be the most strongly predictive of this.
I wish to emphasise that I'm talking very, very broad brush here - we all know many absolutely focussed female riders and plenty of distracted male ones (not least me, which is why I'm a pretty risk-averse rider these days).