80 miles would be too big of a jump at the moment, but I understand the point, and yes I'll be upping the distance this summer. I guess I was mostly just complaining that weight had initially been coming off easily since I started swimming, but now I'm having to work harder at it and am going to need train more intelligently. Being leaner wont hurt though (I'm no sprinter), plus there's the benefit in better self-image/confidence.
80 miles would be too big of a jump at the moment, but I understand the point, and yes I'll be upping the distance this summer. I guess I was mostly just complaining that weight had initially been coming off easily since I started swimming, but now I'm having to work harder at it and am going to need train more intelligently. Being leaner wont hurt though (I'm no sprinter), plus there's the benefit in better self-image/confidence.