Just read thread whilst eating huge lunch.... actually very interesting. (thread, not lunch, got ripped off)
If I had my way, I'd only eat what I could catch and grow or forage for. That'll keep ya thin!
And what's all this rubbish about drinking loads of water during the day and while eating? Your just diluting any nutrients and flushing them away. Also reducing your stomach juices ability to digest properly. You don't need 2.5 litres of water most of the time. A lot of your fluids can come from food. It's pretty easy to regulate. Feel thirsty, have some water.
Just read thread whilst eating huge lunch.... actually very interesting. (thread, not lunch, got ripped off)
If I had my way, I'd only eat what I could catch and grow or forage for. That'll keep ya thin!
And what's all this rubbish about drinking loads of water during the day and while eating? Your just diluting any nutrients and flushing them away. Also reducing your stomach juices ability to digest properly. You don't need 2.5 litres of water most of the time. A lot of your fluids can come from food. It's pretty easy to regulate. Feel thirsty, have some water.