I crashed into a car a couple of days ago, and now my fork steerer is bent.
Unfortunately, it's from a Peugeot PY10 (Reynolds 531 Professional), and the threading is French. I would like, if possible, to keep the origimal fork as it matches the frame.
Does anyone know if it is ever possible to straighten steerer tubes, or is it generally a no-no? I can post a photo of the bend if this helps.
Hi, new poster here.
I crashed into a car a couple of days ago, and now my fork steerer is bent.
Unfortunately, it's from a Peugeot PY10 (Reynolds 531 Professional), and the threading is French. I would like, if possible, to keep the origimal fork as it matches the frame.
Does anyone know if it is ever possible to straighten steerer tubes, or is it generally a no-no? I can post a photo of the bend if this helps.