blocking 8th cog? You're blocking your 1st cog. I'm making the clarification because i want to make a point, below.
If you're blocking your 1st cog with the limit screws, be sure to leave the extra cable in the "9th" position so that you can only over shift to a "too lose" cable and not too a "too tight" cable. this is especially important if you're using a newer indexed system as you can not only place a huge amount of stress on your derailleur by over shifting, but also fux up your shifter.
anyway, if you're blocking the 1st cog and it's still fucked, you have a bent system. Either the derailleur or the hanger.
take it to a shop and they'll use the every overpriced tool posted above to sort it out.
blocking 8th cog? You're blocking your 1st cog. I'm making the clarification because i want to make a point, below.
If you're blocking your 1st cog with the limit screws, be sure to leave the extra cable in the "9th" position so that you can only over shift to a "too lose" cable and not too a "too tight" cable. this is especially important if you're using a newer indexed system as you can not only place a huge amount of stress on your derailleur by over shifting, but also fux up your shifter.
anyway, if you're blocking the 1st cog and it's still fucked, you have a bent system. Either the derailleur or the hanger.
take it to a shop and they'll use the every overpriced tool posted above to sort it out.