soperriva, where do muneyz come from for all the shit?..
currently- my overdraft.
I got a new one- it says 'student'.
In five days time, the money from selling my car on webuyanycar
plus those cranks were £45. bargain!
or other bike stuff I sell, and off this forum I've sold all my old biochem textbooks that I won't want, and a bunch of camera shit I bought with Ski Club money.
I also do odd jobs like ed for family friends- I've been babysitting, housesitting, etc.
currently- my overdraft.
I got a new one- it says 'student'.
In five days time, the money from selling my car on webuyanycar
plus those cranks were £45. bargain!
or other bike stuff I sell, and off this forum I've sold all my old biochem textbooks that I won't want, and a bunch of camera shit I bought with Ski Club money.
I also do odd jobs like ed for family friends- I've been babysitting, housesitting, etc.