Having slept on the realisation that I could probablly get a better price for this, I've decided to put it on ebay this weekend. Sorry to be a total prick tease (maybe just a total prick) but I need the cash too badly.
I realise that this is kinda against forum rules, so I'll delete the original message details, lock the thread and understand when I get chased off the forum with burning pitch forks. Thanks to all those who've PM'd. I'll PM you back shortly.
Having slept on the realisation that I could probablly get a better price for this, I've decided to put it on ebay this weekend. Sorry to be a total prick tease (maybe just a total prick) but I need the cash too badly.
I realise that this is kinda against forum rules, so I'll delete the original message details, lock the thread and understand when I get chased off the forum with burning pitch forks. Thanks to all those who've PM'd. I'll PM you back shortly.