Depends if you want to make quick cash or create a brand. The whole sprocket idea is something me and a mate have been talking over (don't steal it haha!), He was going to get a run of a hundred done for me for about a grand. No one has really grabbed the frame (steel) market by the balls yet, appart from BLB and Volume. Ok there's loads of creates etc. about, but there is a lot of room for a mid priced (£200 - 350), well designed / marketed frame.
Depends if you want to make quick cash or create a brand. The whole sprocket idea is something me and a mate have been talking over (don't steal it haha!), He was going to get a run of a hundred done for me for about a grand. No one has really grabbed the frame (steel) market by the balls yet, appart from BLB and Volume. Ok there's loads of creates etc. about, but there is a lot of room for a mid priced (£200 - 350), well designed / marketed frame.
This is my mates company:
good luck