Thats what caused it, but because we are so dependent on the banks that facilitated it, we all got fucked. If the UK economy was more diverse, rather than being solely geared to support and place the City above all else, we wouldn't have been so badly fucked.
I dont blame the bankers, they were only doing what the government had allowed them to do. If the government at the time hadnt left them so unregulated, they wouldnt have been able to dig as big a whole as they did.
Thats what caused it, but because we are so dependent on the banks that facilitated it, we all got fucked. If the UK economy was more diverse, rather than being solely geared to support and place the City above all else, we wouldn't have been so badly fucked.
I dont blame the bankers, they were only doing what the government had allowed them to do. If the government at the time hadnt left them so unregulated, they wouldnt have been able to dig as big a whole as they did.