Well now we've all "graduated" I can say that was an excellent set of rides, each with a nicely different flavour.
I thought Oxford was the toughest, especially the climb that seemed to go on forever. Was a good pace despite that and had some lovely sections, particularly the stretch through Burham Beeches. Sitting in the pub near the end with the Red Kites flying overhead was nice, as was the fish and chips in the riverside pub at the end.
Got to say how impressed I am with Arducius. Doing the Dorset Dash after that ride is impressive enough but should also point out that he towed the peleton at pace into a nasty headwind for at least the last 20 miles.
I did consider attempting the Dorset Dash after Oxford but I would have been a liability on that ride (probably had only enough left in the legs to get me half way, and that's no good on a night ride!).
Well now we've all "graduated" I can say that was an excellent set of rides, each with a nicely different flavour.
I thought Oxford was the toughest, especially the climb that seemed to go on forever. Was a good pace despite that and had some lovely sections, particularly the stretch through Burham Beeches. Sitting in the pub near the end with the Red Kites flying overhead was nice, as was the fish and chips in the riverside pub at the end.
Got to say how impressed I am with Arducius. Doing the Dorset Dash after that ride is impressive enough but should also point out that he towed the peleton at pace into a nasty headwind for at least the last 20 miles.
I did consider attempting the Dorset Dash after Oxford but I would have been a liability on that ride (probably had only enough left in the legs to get me half way, and that's no good on a night ride!).