• #2
Dibs hat and cranks if they are single chain-ring.
• #3
Dibs seatpost. PM coming your way
• #4
I mean the Campag one BTW
• #5
Dibs Fabric Horse lock holster, used maybe twice, fits Mini Evo £5 - PM on way
• #6
Dibs hat and cranks if they are single chain-ring.
Yeah they're single, hat and cranks yours. Will PM
• #7
Second dibs on the cranks if you're willing to post in the unlikely event knowthejo pulls out..
• #8
Unlikely 3rd dibs on cranks
• #9
Second dibs on Campy post and a frankly laughable 4th dibs on the cranks. Thafety thafeneth.
• #10
dibs on toeclips if you can post. pm'ed
• #11
Updated, pretty much just the wheel and 25.0 post left
• #12
2nd dibs on Fabric Horse [just on the off-chance]
• #13
Cap gone?
• #14
Yep sorry
• #15
cranks gone ?
• #16
Dibs Seatpost!
• #17
Fabric Horse gone? If not I can pick up from EC2A
• #18
dibs wheel. based in SE15 ,possible pick up tonight?? PM me
• #19
Brad, if you end up not taking the wheel can you drop me a PM. I'm looking for one for a mate and this is perfect.
• #20
2nd dibs wheel.
• #21
Man oh man what am I hoping that cranksale falls through.. Ticks the boxes (130bcd, silver, JIS) and frankly I find it esthetically more pleasing then a sugino messenger.. I'm aware of the patheticness of this plea for a 15L crank but I'll take that virtual humiliation as a man.. ;)
• #22
UPDATED, sorry been away from the internet for a bit.
PMing you now bradley-zero -
• #23
Wheel now £40 sans tyre/tube. Everything else sold
(everything sold)**