Well, the 24 rule is just a personal one for me. It's possible you can have a drink or two after work and be back to 0 the next day, I don't know.
You actually metabolise alcohol pretty fast - I once had a couple of bottles of beer at seven, drove home at eleven, got stopped and breathalised and got a zero reading. I'm not proud of this, but it did happen. I know of someone who got stopped driving home at six in the morning after drinking all night, about two bottles of wine altogether, and he was under the limit. Mind you, he's about 6'3" and a tree surgeon, so he's got a lot of blood in him to dilute the alcohol.
You actually metabolise alcohol pretty fast - I once had a couple of bottles of beer at seven, drove home at eleven, got stopped and breathalised and got a zero reading. I'm not proud of this, but it did happen. I know of someone who got stopped driving home at six in the morning after drinking all night, about two bottles of wine altogether, and he was under the limit. Mind you, he's about 6'3" and a tree surgeon, so he's got a lot of blood in him to dilute the alcohol.