• well i reckon the socialist capitalist debate should be on another thread or in a pub or something so no more comments there. as for Lemond, well Phew, until oliver mentioned his abuse i'd never heard that, i don't follow lemond that closely but i read a lot of stuff about him and the way he treated his own family. I don't like the way he goes about his business or deals with his business and i compared him to armstrong in an unfavourable light. I'm not going to mock a guy for being abused as a child but that doesn't stop him being an eratic, rambling media whore.
    now get me a fig roll..or anything but a rich tea

    Well, Tim, your reading must have been fairly selective if you didn't hear about the abuse--that was a pretty big story around Landis' court case. And I'm really not sure how you can think that he's an 'erratic, rambling media whore'.

    Of course it's very hard for him to put across what he knows; it's challenge because very few dare to speak out. He also has to be quite selective in picking out what he can make public out of what he knows, as without a doubt he knows much more than he can say. To me, he comes across as dedicated and sincere.

    I don't know whether what he says is true, but I can't work out any reason why he would say it if it wasn't true. And more evidence confirming what he says keeps coming out, in all sorts of ways. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that continued. A lot is already out there and I'm sure andyp could recommend a bit of reading for all of us, but I have a feeling that in a few years' time, even sceptics of what he says now will be able to revise their judgement.
