As some of you know, there's a regular tricks evening that happens every Tuesday at White's Row car park in Spitalfields. This tricks night, dubbed 'TrixieDix' amongst other names, has been going on for at least two years, providing hipsters, wannabes and everyone in between with a safe enclosed space to practice and learn basic tricks. I have been going to the night for over a year, and without it I wouldn't have met some of the good friends I have now, and wouldn't have learned how to skid, trackstand or wheelie without breaking my face on a car bonnet.
The space has been excellent, as the 24-hour car park has no cars on the top 3 floors, and is monitored by cctv and walking fluorescent-clad security, who nod to us and haven't caused any problems. Up until now.
The security people, apparently, have been*** getting complaints from residents about us being up on the carpark top floor***, and have been moving us along the last few times we've been there, threatening to call the cops if we don't move. This is very sucky, since the majority of us are responsible adults who just want to ride our bikes in peace. The rest of us are responsible young people; either way I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest we are anto-social or a nuisance!
The car park is owned by the City of London and monitored by the security company Apcoa.
I've read around, and I gather the only way we could be moved on is if they have proof of anti-social behaviour (ASB), which at the very vaguest would involve us causing criminal damage or causing 'distress' to people. The police would have to then issue public notice* of a Dispersal Zone, of which, as far as I can gather, there is not in the area. For the under 18s of us that gather there, should a Dispersal Zone be enforced, the police may escort the person home between the hours of 9pm and 6am, under curfew laws. Not sure about the adults.
So, I'm not sure that the council/security/police are legally allowed to move us on.
I really want to fight this, and kinda in a position where my voice would get heard (since I'm an adult with a career and business cards etc, yet I'm technically still a 'young person', being 24 years old). I have the details of the person to contact to dispute this issue, but I want to make sure I come at them with some evidence first before I open the can of worms. What do people think? Would someone from the LCC be able to advise me?
Thanks for reading, tis a long post!
:) Tash (aka Natasher; I do not have a moustache)
*EDIT: Just found this on the Tower Hamlets website:
The aim of dispersal zones is to address anti-social behaviour within the defined area
covering parts of Spitalfields and Weavers wards.
The Dispersal Zone is in operation Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening between
6pm and 2am from 23rd July 2009 to 30th August 2009
Good day to all...
As some of you know, there's a regular tricks evening that happens every Tuesday at White's Row car park in Spitalfields. This tricks night, dubbed 'TrixieDix' amongst other names, has been going on for at least two years, providing hipsters, wannabes and everyone in between with a safe enclosed space to practice and learn basic tricks. I have been going to the night for over a year, and without it I wouldn't have met some of the good friends I have now, and wouldn't have learned how to skid, trackstand or wheelie without breaking my face on a car bonnet.
The space has been excellent, as the 24-hour car park has no cars on the top 3 floors, and is monitored by cctv and walking fluorescent-clad security, who nod to us and haven't caused any problems. Up until now.
The security people, apparently, have been*** getting complaints from residents about us being up on the carpark top floor***, and have been moving us along the last few times we've been there, threatening to call the cops if we don't move. This is very sucky, since the majority of us are responsible adults who just want to ride our bikes in peace. The rest of us are responsible young people; either way I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest we are anto-social or a nuisance!
The car park is owned by the City of London and monitored by the security company Apcoa.
I've read around, and I gather the only way we could be moved on is if they have proof of anti-social behaviour (ASB), which at the very vaguest would involve us causing criminal damage or causing 'distress' to people. The police would have to then issue public notice* of a Dispersal Zone, of which, as far as I can gather, there is not in the area. For the under 18s of us that gather there, should a Dispersal Zone be enforced, the police may escort the person home between the hours of 9pm and 6am, under curfew laws. Not sure about the adults.
So, I'm not sure that the council/security/police are legally allowed to move us on.
I really want to fight this, and kinda in a position where my voice would get heard (since I'm an adult with a career and business cards etc, yet I'm technically still a 'young person', being 24 years old). I have the details of the person to contact to dispute this issue, but I want to make sure I come at them with some evidence first before I open the can of worms. What do people think? Would someone from the LCC be able to advise me?
Thanks for reading, tis a long post!
:) Tash (aka Natasher; I do not have a moustache)
*EDIT: Just found this on the Tower Hamlets website:
The aim of dispersal zones is to address anti-social behaviour within the defined area
covering parts of Spitalfields and Weavers wards.
The Dispersal Zone is in operation Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening between
6pm and 2am from 23rd July 2009 to 30th August 2009