• #2
Taken at face value, this paints the police as incompetent, and the CPS as maliciously fucking stupid.
An accurate portrayal, then?
Fucking unbelievable.
• #3
Just goes to show that you really need to make sure you have everybody's details, as the police aren't always smart enough to think of that themselves.
I hope he finds a whitness and the police apologise for ruining at least 6 months of his life!!
• #4
Unbelievable. How can that even get to court? Even if the cyclist threw a punch, which I highly doubt, a strangling is not an equal defense. I really hope this gets turned back onto the cabbie.
Also, wouldn't there be a incident report from the ambulance and police. Surely they can't just forget they spoke to a witness?
• #5
Weather he hit him or not (wich it really dosent sound like he did) strangerling someone to unconchesness is shorly atempted murder.
• #6
strangling punches thrown road rage incident
i saw crazy james do it, it must have been him
• #7
Bizarre. I know a bit of how he feels.
• #8
Weather he hit him or not (wich it really dosent sound like he did) strangerling someone to unconchesness is shorly atempted murder.
Will see next time we meet :p (note sticking out tongue smilie).
Claim of self defence? You can restrict someone airflow till they pass out with one hand and is taugh to self defense type people.
• #9
this is grim.... i can imagine the exact same thing happen to any cyclist... all it takes is for the police to believ the wrong person and you're fucked......
i have had a couple of run ins with cabbies before and i stand by tghe statement that they are all wankers....
• #10
I was about to post this after picking it up on Twitter. Unbelievable.
Saying that, it really is believable. Only last Friday morning on my way into town a taxi narrowly overtook me on Clerkenwell Rd (horrible commuter stretch), honked, swore out of his window and then, at the next lights, got out and took a punt at my back wheel as I pulled up.
• #11
Its not the taxis behavior that is surprising. It is that despite being unconsouse and strangled the police arnt doing anything about it.
The problem here is that it would have been the taxi driver that called the police (due to being the only person able to do so) and would have made up a load of shit. The police are then coming out to investigate an assault from the cyclist. It really is retarded.
• #12
Surprising that the CPS is bringing a charge. They must have plenty evidence then as judges hate this kind of thing being brought in with shonky facts, as soon as this guy's version of events is made clear I expect it'll be thrown out.
Unless there are a few people who are going to tell lies in court to help the taxi driver?
• #13
Taken at face value, this paints the police as incompetent, and the CPS as maliciously fucking stupid.
A striking likeness, to be sure.
• #14
Just had this tweeted to me, may be a repost but I could not give a fuck this needs reposting if it is:
read that and pass it on, hopefully someone can help.
Take care
• #15
fuckin hell, what an awful story
I'll pass it on
• #16
Really nasty, in so many ways. Hope justice is served.
• #18
Will see next time we meet :p (note sticking out tongue smilie).
Claim of self defence? You can restrict someone airflow till they pass out with one hand and is taugh to self defense type people.
He was strangled by his own scarf, so don't wear anything that can be grabbed. So not being strangled by someone is a very different to what I was talking about.
Wonder what the cabbies version is? I'd like to know just in case it was ever necessary.
• #19
I've seen it few minutes ago and wanted to post here, but good I've searched for it first.
It made me sick. Same scenario over and over again..
• #20
shocking. Hopefully if he can get a decent defence barrister they can get it thrown out due to lack of evidence. Seems like it is solely one mans word against another
• #21
The incident was recorded on Westminster council's CCTV cameras but was subsequently deleted, while the police say they have no details of one man who came to Mr Kelly's aid and who offered to be a witness.
What the FUCK? Truly the stuff of nightmares.
He said a police officer began to question him in a hostile manner after being told by the cab driver that he had been the attacker.
• #22
"Then he said, f**k off, you Paki'. “That completely threw me. I'm of Irish, Scottish and English descent but I don't look Asian."
FFS is this the 1970s??
• #23
FFS is this the 1970s??
It still is for many of the black cab Phil Mitchell lads.
I had one coming at me with tyre iron, because I told him off for blocking the bus land and not letting anybody do the left turn in front of him (he was slowly creeping, trying to ram everybody in front of him during the rush hour - like it makes a difference if he is one car length further forward). He was being an arse in Bermondsey, but caught up with my in Limehouse and came out of his cab making actual threats.
By the way, hope you lot remember that idiot who tried to ram marshals during the Tweed Run. It sums the up quite well.
• #24
Most taxi drivers are morons. Fact. Most coppers are too. The fact that there's shock in this thread is bewildering. Anger is fine. Shock is just naive.
That said, it just shows you should never do your scarf up like this^, and not just 'cos it makes you look like a nob. -
• #25
I'm not surprised, I just don't understand the anger! Driving around in a glorious city all day....you'd think it was a cushty job, no?? I feel for the guy.
Help The poor guy.
PS: This isn't me, I just got that on Creative Review's twitter feed.