With the impending rain threating the midlands tonight, it looks as though it's an evening on the rollers rather than the track for me.
What's your favourite (or probably least favourite) roller session for when you can't get on the track ?
I tend to do 10min Warm up, 20min 'around' threshold, 5min recovery, 20min of cadence drills (1min max spin, 2min recovery), 5min warm down. Hopefully this gives me a bit of endurance and speed work.
With the impending rain threating the midlands tonight, it looks as though it's an evening on the rollers rather than the track for me.
What's your favourite (or probably least favourite) roller session for when you can't get on the track ?
I tend to do 10min Warm up, 20min 'around' threshold, 5min recovery, 20min of cadence drills (1min max spin, 2min recovery), 5min warm down. Hopefully this gives me a bit of endurance and speed work.