would appreciate it if criticism stopped being dismissed as rants, joni.
why is this in darknet? fuckers made fucks of themselves, ooohhh lets make it not public cuz they don't work for them anymore!
yes! further to that, i just don't understand why this is in darknet. i can see why it would be but i don't see how that can ever be reconciled with VB's politics.
fuckers & fucks constitutes a rant IMO Josh.
This what you're talking about?
Or Harry's multi post RANT?
I've been criticised all day and night and I'm not complaining. Just about the RANTS is all.
Really no need to drag this up again. Let it go FFS.
fuckers & fucks constitutes a rant IMO Josh.
This what you're talking about?
Or Harry's multi post RANT?
I've been criticised all day and night and I'm not complaining. Just about the RANTS is all.
Really no need to drag this up again. Let it go FFS.