• #2
Reminds me of Brompton riders.................
• #3
That is very good. bravo!
• #4
Well, actually, furious, did you know that it isn't called driving tax it is Vehicle Excis... ah fuck it ... yeah, peds are shit.
• #5
let me guess, you drive either a Vauxhall or a Ford?
• #6
In days past I believed in a Zionist state, and fought to keep the Jews at bay,
then I believed the communist were after as all, and fought to keep the communists at bay,
then I feared that the Muslims would come to rules us all, and I fought to keep them at bay,
but what I missed, what I did not realise was that creeping from behind (on their pavements) were the dirtiest, filthiest of them all, the pedestrians!
We now sleep walking into a pedestrianised state, even members of parliament are pedestrians, including the leader of the opposition!What has this country come to!
• #7
• #8
Who would want to even wear those, boots? They look rediculous. You won't catch me wearing them, or those damn shoe thingys.
• #9
Are the pavements not paid by the council tax?
• #10
but motorist pay more in tax than they get back in road building, because road building is the only expense in a motorists eyes so they must be being screwed.
• #11
Where is the love??
• #12
Where is the love??
Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?[/ame]
Shamelessly C+P'd
You know what I hate? Pedestrians. That self-satisfied, striding, boot-bedecked bunch of scum. Is it just me, or does the country suddenly seem to be full of them? I've never tried walking anywhere myself -- why would I? I'm a successful adult -- but it seems I can hardly travel down the street these days without one of them stepping off the pavement in front of me without looking, their face set in a holier-than-thou expression as they jump out of the way of my car in a burst of expletives. Something clearly needs to be done, and it's good that the government are starting to realise this.
The thing is, it's not just that pedestrians are all smug and annoying when they bang on about "health" and "pollution". That's sickening enough, but if their smugness was the only problem I could just ignore them - after all, they and their silly 'shoes' flash past quick enough when I get going, and their smugness can't penetrate my car's tinted windows. But the thing is there's more to it than that, because have you noticed that even though pedestrians walk millions of miles on our road system every single day, they contribute nothing at all to the cost of that road system? They have thousands and thousands of miles of dedicated pedestrian-only travel routes -- pavements, they're called, or sidewalks if you're that way inclined -- which they don't pay a penny for! Whilst honest motorists are taxed left, right and centre, they don't pay anything at all for all these facilities they enjoy. It beggars belief.
And recently, of course, it's got worse. As I'm driving up the street I constantly come across pedestrians walking across my part of the road to get from one of these pavements to another. I mean, what the hell...? Do they want the shirt off my back as well? They've been given vast tracts of pedestrian-only routes, where I'm certainly not allowed to drive, but apparently this isn't enough for them. Oh no, they want to keep encroaching into my space as well. Sure, we've all heard these walking zealots who say that it's because the 'pavements' don't form a joined-up network, meaning they can't walk to where they want to go without having to step onto the road from time to time. Aw, bless their little hearts. To pedestrians I say this: get off my part of the road. If you walk there when I'm coming along then I'll happily run you down, that's all.
*In the long term there's clearly only one solution to all this. If pedestrians want to walk on our streets, which we pay for with all our driving taxes, then they need to pay their share and take their part of the responsibility. Anybody who walks anywhere should undergo training, should have to pay an annual tax towards the facilities they enjoy, should display a license plate so they can be identified, and should each be made to carry insurance in case they are ever involved in any accidents. Until then, they can sod off back to Shoeville or wherever it is they go when they aren't freeloading off the rest of us. *
And those bipedal morons don't even wear helmets either http://http://www.copenhagenize.com/2009/08/walking-helmet-is-good-helmet.html
If they end up as vegetables, don't 'spect me to pay for 'em.
Whaddya call a pedestrian with no helmet? Organ donor!
And think, there's even a bloody website http://www.lulu.com/content/lulustudio-photo-book/stripey-streetness/4467489 celebrating these twats and their free infrastructure?!