It's more than the 'Jewish Lobby'- which only equates to 2.2% of the vote, after all.
In the states the funding of Israel is backed more by the Christian Right who, proportionally are much bigger, and believe that the foundation of the state of Israel for the Jews and only the Jews will lead to an instant conversion event when they all become Christians.
also the misguided belief that Judaism is 'closer' in some way to Christianity, whereas in fact Islam is a more logical choice in many respects.
It's more than the 'Jewish Lobby'- which only equates to 2.2% of the vote, after all.
In the states the funding of Israel is backed more by the Christian Right who, proportionally are much bigger, and believe that the foundation of the state of Israel for the Jews and only the Jews will lead to an instant conversion event when they all become Christians.
also the misguided belief that Judaism is 'closer' in some way to Christianity, whereas in fact Islam is a more logical choice in many respects.