Need to raise some funds for various bits and bobs, so having a clear out. Will chuck a few quid the forums way if everything goes quickly and smoothly. All prices include postage - I'm not in London. Dibs then PMs. PM snipers discouraged, dibs is god to me. Let me know if any prices are unfair.
Wellgo platform pedals. Brand New These are untouched, still in packaging. Drilled for straps, and got all the reflectors and other frippery they came with. Sold
Need to raise some funds for various bits and bobs, so having a clear out. Will chuck a few quid the forums way if everything goes quickly and smoothly. All prices include postage - I'm not in London. Dibs then PMs. PM snipers discouraged, dibs is god to me. Let me know if any prices are unfair.
Wellgo platform pedals. Brand New These are untouched, still in packaging. Drilled for straps, and got all the reflectors and other frippery they came with. Sold
SPD clipless pedals. Light use. Sold
Campagnolo Centaur Bottom Bracket. Italian threaded, 111mm Brand New Hasn't been fitted, although has been removed from packaging and put back. £27.50
Weimman brake levers and hoods. Bought for £11.50 from hilary, so am selling at same price. they've sat on my desk since I got them.
Salsa quill stem. It's a certain length, have photo'd next to ruler, so you can decide for yourself. £13
San Marco Rolls Due. Black, mottled leather, some light use. No rips or tears. ** * Sold***
Fit ECCD saddle, Black. Think it's new, no signs of use £17
OT: Brand new ipod touch 8GB. Unopened in packaging. Sold