• I don't like this paint job much although I can appreciate the effort that's gone into it and the finish looks to be good. Mostly I just coz I don't like pink. Don't think there's anything wrong with the new owner changing it as it is their bike now. I would have painted it matt black myself. If you wanted to keep it like this you should have bought it yourself.

    Agree - it's his bike, he can frankly do what he wants with it. I liked the pink too, though I've never been a huge GT fan (I think it stems from disliking the shop that used to sell them around my parts!). Polished bikes look nice, that one is nicely polished, therefore it looks nice.

    Someone was polishing a Klein MTB around here a few months back, and it looked killer - I imagine that had some pretty nice paint on it beforehand, but no one got so excited about that.
