One pack has been opened but stapled back up again within about 45 seconds when I realised they were the wrong size.
£5 posted each, or you can have both for £8 posted (I'm in Hampton Hill area, TW12 so could meet around there but I'm lazy and would rather post)
Paypal/bank transfer preferred but if you want to send me cash in the post that's fine, your risk obviously.
Oh also if anyone has 30mm worth of 1 1/8" spacers (doesn't have to be carbon, just thought I'd splash out) they want to trade I'd be down for that too.
Bought these from CRC thinking they were 1 1/8" because I'm an idiot.
Not sure if I can be bothered to deal with returning them does anyone want them?
I've got 2 sets of these ( so 30mm of spacers in total (2 sets of 3x5mm)
One pack has been opened but stapled back up again within about 45 seconds when I realised they were the wrong size.
£5 posted each, or you can have both for £8 posted (I'm in Hampton Hill area, TW12 so could meet around there but I'm lazy and would rather post)
Paypal/bank transfer preferred but if you want to send me cash in the post that's fine, your risk obviously.
Oh also if anyone has 30mm worth of 1 1/8" spacers (doesn't have to be carbon, just thought I'd splash out) they want to trade I'd be down for that too.