Hmmm, I'm quite supprised at the amount of people against skidding here.
I wouldn't want to use it as my main way of stopping, but in a 45min journey to work I like to do 2-3 skids for shits and gigles (was mucho fun in the rain this morning).
I used to skateboard for about 15 years so I don't think my knees stand much of a chance!
Guess I'll have to consider the knee impact vs fun ratio.
Hmmm, I'm quite supprised at the amount of people against skidding here.
I wouldn't want to use it as my main way of stopping, but in a 45min journey to work I like to do 2-3 skids for shits and gigles (was mucho fun in the rain this morning).
I used to skateboard for about 15 years so I don't think my knees stand much of a chance!
Guess I'll have to consider the knee impact vs fun ratio.