Well, it could be a SilverTHAN, 'cos I misread your first post as SilverLIGHT as the former is a conventionally framed but silver brazed design, not the weird one (according to Mr Google - a nice example here http://www.classiclightweights.co.uk/bikes/kh-thanet-silverthan.html )
However, I have to agree with clubman in that it is most likely a mass market bike. The quality of the lugwork doesn't really mark it out as something special, but with a bit of tlc could be a nice bike.
Well, it could be a SilverTHAN, 'cos I misread your first post as SilverLIGHT as the former is a conventionally framed but silver brazed design, not the weird one (according to Mr Google - a nice example here http://www.classiclightweights.co.uk/bikes/kh-thanet-silverthan.html )
However, I have to agree with clubman in that it is most likely a mass market bike. The quality of the lugwork doesn't really mark it out as something special, but with a bit of tlc could be a nice bike.