Agree mf that there is no point in debating helmets yet again, however i don't think you reflected sustrans true stance on helmets in your last post with your comment that they are 'Pro-choice anti compulsion'. This is the case for adults.
Sustrans 'strongly recommends' helmets for children (rather than extending this pro-choice to parents about their own children) and states this position a number of time on the website: eg here .
Sustrans also sells a range of helmets under the heading 'safety' in the online shop
Agree mf that there is no point in debating helmets yet again, however i don't think you reflected sustrans true stance on helmets in your last post with your comment that they are 'Pro-choice anti compulsion'. This is the case for adults.
Sustrans 'strongly recommends' helmets for children (rather than extending this pro-choice to parents about their own children) and states this position a number of time on the website: eg here .
Sustrans also sells a range of helmets under the heading 'safety' in the online shop