95% of what i shoot on my dslr is on a tripod tethered to a laptop. not every 'photographer' is going to use cameras in the same way as you do.
I don't think we use the same meaning of the term photographer.
I also suspect, that it's not Slik Pro you are using.
I shoot handheld or with a tripod (but without flash) with a wide open old fast prime lens, often film, inferior medium format and large format polaroid for my "flickr effect" when the subject isn't important - it's more about "wow, look at the swirly bokeh".
I step down and use zoom, flash heads and DSLR when I shoot porn. It's more efficient.
I don't think we use the same meaning of the term photographer.
I also suspect, that it's not Slik Pro you are using.
I shoot handheld or with a tripod (but without flash) with a wide open old fast prime lens, often film, inferior medium format and large format polaroid for my "flickr effect" when the subject isn't important - it's more about "wow, look at the swirly bokeh".
I step down and use zoom, flash heads and DSLR when I shoot porn. It's more efficient.