if you were gonna have something copper plated it would ideally need to be lacquered after as it is not one of the hardest metals and as mentioned it turns a shitty green colour and after a while of weathering it will become powdery and eventually to the point where a thin coat would just start flaking off..
I have used more cans of copper paint than i can count, and also tested it out doors..its shit..no matter what brand or pigment you get after a few months it will be non existent..look for something else i wouldnt recommend it..not to mention the extra weight it will put on your bike...if your that fussed about it?
if you were gonna have something copper plated it would ideally need to be lacquered after as it is not one of the hardest metals and as mentioned it turns a shitty green colour and after a while of weathering it will become powdery and eventually to the point where a thin coat would just start flaking off..
I have used more cans of copper paint than i can count, and also tested it out doors..its shit..no matter what brand or pigment you get after a few months it will be non existent..look for something else i wouldnt recommend it..not to mention the extra weight it will put on your bike...if your that fussed about it?