Missed this completely a few days ago. +1 to wmialil showing compassion. Once someone crashes like that, the normal rules of the thieving game stop applying and the first priority is to save a life. I'm glad he made it--that sounds as if it was touch and go. (NO pun intended!)
Contrary to popular perception, compassion can be a powerful tonic to overcome vindictiveness and 'eye-for-an-eye' mentality.
Why not visit him in hospital? You could make a friend.
I have no view on whether to involve the police or not. On the one hand, I think every theft should be reported, but owing to what happened this seems unnecessary here. This boy doesn't exactly sound like a career criminal. Who knows? This may well be the last bike he's attempted to steal.
Missed this completely a few days ago. +1 to wmialil showing compassion. Once someone crashes like that, the normal rules of the thieving game stop applying and the first priority is to save a life. I'm glad he made it--that sounds as if it was touch and go. (NO pun intended!)
Contrary to popular perception, compassion can be a powerful tonic to overcome vindictiveness and 'eye-for-an-eye' mentality.
Why not visit him in hospital? You could make a friend.
I have no view on whether to involve the police or not. On the one hand, I think every theft should be reported, but owing to what happened this seems unnecessary here. This boy doesn't exactly sound like a career criminal. Who knows? This may well be the last bike he's attempted to steal.