Just a thought, if it's wider advertised and a few more riders turn up it can't really be a mad blast - more crit mass style, with a leader, outriders "corking" and "sweepers" to encourage the group to stay together. Still be ace though, esp if we can get folks to bring whistles etc to make some noise...
example of sort of thinkings I'm having around a route. Would play it by ear on the day and maybe cut some of the silly short detours out:
Could (should!) always end up at a pub!
Just a thought, if it's wider advertised and a few more riders turn up it can't really be a mad blast - more crit mass style, with a leader, outriders "corking" and "sweepers" to encourage the group to stay together. Still be ace though, esp if we can get folks to bring whistles etc to make some noise...
Will post to see if any of the brum lot fancy it.