• #2
Has it really finished?
• #3
'season' finale
• #4
One more season to go (apparently). Its even more ridiculous than it used to be but I still love it. Gonna watch the finale tonight or tomorrow so every one can keep their mouths shut re: what happens. Yeah.
• #5
It's a giant mechanical monkey. Very disapointing.
• #6
I am disgustingly involved in this show.
Upon realising i had series three on demand i watched all 16 hours in a single weekend. eye destroying.Temporal paradoxes FTW
As long as the ultimate final is better than the end of battlestar galactica i'll be happy.
Shit i have accidentally revealed my nerd-ness.
• #7
It's a giant mechanical monkey. Very disapointing.
You cock. PS come to wests tonight
• #8
is that shit shit shit still going?
is the fat lottery guy still fat despite the fact they've been living off coconuts for the last 4 years??Entourage FTW!
• #9
Yeah this was incredibly gripping. Some rubbish moments, but overall they ramped up the tension to the very last second.
I have to say, 'Lost' in black on a white background to finish was a nice touch. Ridiculous cliffhanger, but in an enjoyable way rather than an infuriating way like previous series.
• #10
First two series of the final series were aired in America last night, available on Rapidshare. not mindblowing
• #11
I have them set to record on Sky 1 HD this friday.
I hope it has a good ending but i would settle with it just being finished so i can stop watching it.
• #12
Last night was the show finale, its finished forever. 2 1/2 hour final episode is dairly good, pretty rubbish ending though, although i don't know if they were ever going to be able to end it well...
Anyone watch last night's Lost finale? MAN that is some gripping shit!