One of these types undertook me at speed as I was turning right(tried to nip round me as I turned in, if I hadn't turned my wheel at last second you could have fucking killed me you cunt. I honestly didn't take any satisfaction that you shit yourself wobbled like a twat and nearly fell off. Might suggest you watch for signals i.e. sticking my fucking arm out and don't try and speed off from the traffic lights in the wrong fucking lane.
On the other hand, I was on my motorbike last Sunday and had to brake hard to avoid flattening the girlfriend of a certain member of this forum, in Russell Square. Mate, if you're going to jump a red, you might want to think about whether the person you're riding with - and who's behind you - is going to jump it too, and what the consequences might be. Especially if you're the sort to dish out advice to others...
On the other hand, I was on my motorbike last Sunday and had to brake hard to avoid flattening the girlfriend of a certain member of this forum, in Russell Square. Mate, if you're going to jump a red, you might want to think about whether the person you're riding with - and who's behind you - is going to jump it too, and what the consequences might be. Especially if you're the sort to dish out advice to others...