• I'd like to have a got at this one. I reckon I cocked up my first proper forum ride, due to a little over-enthusiasm. Every day is a school day.

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. joe smith (68.5" fixed)
    4. Angelo (I'll need help during the night to disassemble and pack up my bike.:-)))
    5. Ludwig

    6. jaygee (smiles)
    7. mashton (may ride out, this one's not too far)
    8. Gav86 (train)
    9. Sean (56" fixed. Riding out )
    10. Gustav
    11. Tika
    12. middleofnowhere
    13. shoots (70.4" fixed - drops - pasta lunch - rice-based early evening snack - side parting - black socks - riding mainly nr. the back - diffused rear light (thanks Martin) - train out - ride back - yippety yoo ya yeah ; ))
    14. wools (ditto, 'cept around 68" fixed, riserz and I no haz diffused rear light)
    15. texas (geared 'i ain't no sheep' carbon machine).
    16. braker (7'', fixed, riding out)
    17. Pinky 12" please (Fixed and training it)
    18. Des (prob train out/back)
    19. claus
    20. Calleva (probably 70.1" fixed, probably riding out)
    21. Polky, i suppose fixed if everyone else is doing it (sheep). 65", 100psi, ride out and back probably..
    22. Friday (ride out from Old Street, ride back to Kings Cross)