I'd like to have a got at this one. I reckon I cocked up my first proper forum ride, due to a little over-enthusiasm. Every day is a school day.
BMMF (69.6" fixed)
marcom (gears)
joe smith (68.5" fixed)
Angelo (I'll need help during the night to disassemble and pack up my bike.:-)))
jaygee (smiles)
mashton (may ride out, this one's not too far)
Gav86 (train)
Sean (56" fixed. Riding out )
shoots (70.4" fixed - drops - pasta lunch - rice-based early evening snack - side parting - black socks - riding mainly nr. the back - diffused rear light (thanks Martin) - train out - ride back - yippety yoo ya yeah ; ))
wools (ditto, 'cept around 68" fixed, riserz and I no haz diffused rear light)
I'd like to have a got at this one. I reckon I cocked up my first proper forum ride, due to a little over-enthusiasm. Every day is a school day.