Just get your mum to pay for your repairs, if you were given enough money to get the bike built for you with carbon forks, then I imagine she can afford a pair of forks and a new front wheel for you. You can always pay someone else to do the repairs too.
You're giving out about the "nodder" in the fluoro, yet despite his visibility you still managed to crash into him. He was on your right hand side at the junction too so you should have been looking. In that situation it sounds like you were more in the wrong. I'd learn how to apply pressure with your hand on the brake lever if I were you. Maybe your parents were right after all in saying the bike was too dangerous for you.
IMHO the mob of commuters on the road is to be welcomed. Long may it grow and prosper. If this is what people are bitching about rather than boy racers in their hot hatches then its definitely a sign of progress.
How would you know either way?
Just get your mum to pay for your repairs, if you were given enough money to get the bike built for you with carbon forks, then I imagine she can afford a pair of forks and a new front wheel for you. You can always pay someone else to do the repairs too.
You're giving out about the "nodder" in the fluoro, yet despite his visibility you still managed to crash into him. He was on your right hand side at the junction too so you should have been looking. In that situation it sounds like you were more in the wrong. I'd learn how to apply pressure with your hand on the brake lever if I were you. Maybe your parents were right after all in saying the bike was too dangerous for you.
IMHO the mob of commuters on the road is to be welcomed. Long may it grow and prosper. If this is what people are bitching about rather than boy racers in their hot hatches then its definitely a sign of progress.