The same thing has been happening to me with my Singulator, my last chain jump was bad. The drive seized up, Singulator's pin got bent, to the point the mechanism jammed against a spoke and slighty bent it. Sought of lost confidence in tensioner in general, though it was running fine for a couple of weeks. Can't find a suitable replacement bolt locally, though Brixton Cycles has them apparently. I ordered a new Gusset tensioner on monday should be at home when I get back.
The same thing has been happening to me with my Singulator, my last chain jump was bad. The drive seized up, Singulator's pin got bent, to the point the mechanism jammed against a spoke and slighty bent it. Sought of lost confidence in tensioner in general, though it was running fine for a couple of weeks. Can't find a suitable replacement bolt locally, though Brixton Cycles has them apparently. I ordered a new Gusset tensioner on monday should be at home when I get back.