I had a roadie tree frog pass me last week, going like the clappers he was too. So I did my best spin like a Tazmanian devil to catch him. Took a few seconds to grab some oxygen and went for it past him.
Bastard waited till I was alongside then took off like a rocket. I managed to keep him within range for another mile but by heck he was fast. He pulled out a good 200m gap on me before I conceded defeat.
Anyway a while later I saw him look back at me then turn off.
It just so happened that it was my turn off home too. So as I round the corner there he is tucked away by the hedge on the pavement off his carbon multigeared thing coughing his lungs up.
I took a deep breath and gave a cheery, and not at all breathless, "lovely evening" before panting off towards home.