1. (in spirit if not in flesh) Cornelius Southendfoot

    2. joe smiff
    3. Alex (a|s)
    4. conker
    5. Skully
    6. wools
    7. Edmundro
    8. richoking
    9. FridayMarch26th
    10. tdub
    11. Stix
    12. huge16
    13. spybot
    14. evans
    15. pajamas
    16. joelovesfixed(2)
    17. dave4
    18. kattiep
    19. mo_mo
    20. sarah_h
    21. ziska
    22. slapshot
    23. habbi
    24. middleofnowhere
    25. Clever Pun
    26. atticus (I hope - depends on work)
    27. diapo
    28. jameslamont1984

    Thanks really looking forward to it! Pardon me for asking a dumb question, where exactly does this ride start? The polo court in brick lane is not a familiar location....
