Best of luck when you have your "day in court". I just hope it's all worth it. I remember a few years ago waiting about 3 hours for the lads accused of breaking my shop windows to turn up at court. Eventually the court clerk came over and advised me to go because if they hadn't turned up by now they probably never will and they will probably get off scott-free. Mind you, that's the kind of crap that goes on at magistrates' court, hopefully things are taken bit more seriously in a 'proper court'.
Best of luck when you have your "day in court". I just hope it's all worth it. I remember a few years ago waiting about 3 hours for the lads accused of breaking my shop windows to turn up at court. Eventually the court clerk came over and advised me to go because if they hadn't turned up by now they probably never will and they will probably get off scott-free. Mind you, that's the kind of crap that goes on at magistrates' court, hopefully things are taken bit more seriously in a 'proper court'.