10,000 visits from linux machines per month, at an average of 9 pages per visit. A mere 1.25% of all of the traffic, but this doesn't include Android which has a larger number.
And nice work Gabes, I'll look at it when I get home but you were clearly nuts for delving into my white-space shredded HTML... hope you only looked at DIVs that have a postbody class as that is what identifies post bodies. Like this:
10,000 visits from linux machines per month, at an average of 9 pages per visit. A mere 1.25% of all of the traffic, but this doesn't include Android which has a larger number.
And nice work Gabes, I'll look at it when I get home but you were clearly nuts for delving into my white-space shredded HTML... hope you only looked at DIVs that have a postbody class as that is what identifies post bodies. Like this: