• I like people who can write.
    ChrisL can write.
    You saved up everything you wanted to say, and said it at once.
    Very, very beautiful.
    You did one big, satisfying crap, where the rest of us spit and spat with uncomfortable verbal diarrhoea.
    Good man.
    James is a friend, and a good person.
    Even his friends sometimes criticise his peculiar brand of vitriol.
    I don't defend him as much as I should, but I will here.
    He's such a top bloke, he's opened his home to me and my family.
    He is amiable, generous, and potty mouthed.
    I understand people going on about his sometimes overly aggressive manner with noobs, car drivers, van drivers, pedestrians, singlespeeders, christians, jews, gingers, blondes, the deaf, women, men, horses, tarmac, Object, the French and Northeners, but I still respect him massively - not at all from his forum presence (which although fun, does him no real justice) but from the bloke I met, and had the great privilege of spendings high quality 48 hours with.
    I have friends.
    But after that time, he is one of my best friends.

    Well done, ChrisL.
    You spotted quality within a shit storm.
